Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Making Curtains - Tutorial

My sister asked me to make curtains.  Here's the basics of how to make a curtain.  First, figure out the size needed by measuring the window.  How much do you want it to hang below the window?  What's the overlap on the outsides of the window?  How much gather do you want when the curtains are closed?  Ultimately you can decide for yourself what you like.

1. The white lining fabric is the exact size that the curtains will be.  I have allowed 1" on each side for seams and 4-1/2" at the bottom and 2-1/2" at the top for a 1-1/2-2" rod pocket.  If you would want that ruffle at the top above the rod pocket, add 2-4" to that figure (depending on how much ruffle you want).  This was not what my sister wanted, so we left that off.
2. As much as I hate ironing, it will make this whole thing much easier.  Fold and iron 1/2" on all edges.

3. Next, carefully place and pin the lining to the curtain fabric, wrong sides together.  If you cut and ironed precisely, the raw edges of the lining should just touch the raw edges of the curtain fabric on each side.

4. Fold and iron the side seams over the lining 1". Pin in place.

5. Then sew close to the inside folded edge. Repeat for other side.
6. If you haven't done so yet, iron 1/2" from raw edge, then fold down 2" (or 4" for the bottom) so that the fold is where the liner begins. Iron, pin and sew as you did for the sides. Top is shown here, but the same applies to the bottom hem as well.

If you want a ruffle at the top, you will need a 4" fold from the top, then after sewing along the folded edge, closest to the center of the curtain, sew 2" from top and 2" from the seam that you just made, in other words, smack down the center of the pocket you just made. 

Here it is finished.  Makes the room bright and colorful, that's for sure.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Starry Baby Blanket

Emerald designed and made this baby blanket for a friend. Simple squares and half square triangles, but the colorful background makes it pop. 

Tied with yellow yarn.  I like the tactile experience for babies since I remember finding comfort in rubbing the ties on my baby blanket.  I think the yellow adds to the stars in the sky on this quilt.

For some reason the color is way off on this photo, but yellow binding is machine stitched on using a decorative stitch - stars of course.  I like to stitch the binding on by machine for quilts that are going to be used a lot, especially baby blankets that get washed frequently.  It makes them hold up better.