
Long Arm Quilting/ Sewing or Quilting Lessons / Custom Made Items
I am a long arm quilter with rates starting at $.018/square inch. Most edge to edge designs are $.021/square inch. My prices include set up, thread, needles, etc. I make commissioned quilts with rates at $20/hour.
I also teach Private Sewing Lessons in the St. Louis area. Cost is $50/hour.
Please e-mail me with any questions, to have your quilt top quilted, to set up sewing lessons, or regarding having something custom made, at

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Elaine's Veteran Lap Quilt

I just realized I never posted these pictures of a quilt made by Elaine for a veteran.

I quilted the pantograph Starlet from Urban Elementz with Glide Valentine on the top and Glide 60 Sterling on the back.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Chandelier Quilt in Pink and Brown

Chandelier quilt in pink and brown I finished in November for a pink quilt challenge in February with my quilt guild. Ruler work and free motion quilting in Glide Pink Lemonade thread on top and Baby Pink MicroQuilter on the back.

Back Story: Last July my quilt guild president, a breast cancer survivor, issued a challenge for everyone to make a pink quilt to be displayed and a winner chosen at the February meeting. It didn’t have to be all pink, just read as pink. No required size. Personally I think a twin is the most useful size for donating, so that’s what I did.

I’ve wanted to do a Chandelier quilt since I first saw them, but also thought there was an easier way than the instructions I always found for them. This seemed like an excellent opportunity to try out my method. If I hated it, I could always donate it. Using squares I had precut from scraps and leftover fabrics for the background, borders and scrappy back, I had the top done in August and it quilted in November.

As the February meeting approached, I found out there was another meeting I had to attend that wouldn’t get over until 7:30, half an hour after the guild meeting started. Fellow quilter, Jeanette, helped me out by taking my quilt to the meeting at the beginning. By the time I had arrived just before 8:00, people had already voted. Within 15 minutes of my arrival they announced the winning quilt. Mine! I think I got about a third of the votes. Wow! I feel very honored. I can’t decide now whether to keep, sell, or donate it to charity. I think I'll keep it since I have so few examples on hand of things I've done.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lone Star Quilt with Intricate Quilting

This Lone Star took a few weeks to quilt.

I bought a lone star quilt top at our guild’s auction last September, then added borders to make it twin sized.

With all that negative space, it seemed a perfect place to try out some free-motion fills on the navy. I also tried out some feathers, piano keys and diamonds on the borders.

Fun, fun, fun. I used invisible Essence thread on the top and light blue Bottom Line on the back.

A shout out to Carolyn Murfitt’s Blossoming Lonestar on freebirdquiltingdesigns dot com for the inspiration, though I did add other ideas I found on Pinterest to embellish it.

A view of the back sometimes shows the quilting well.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Dorothy's Charity Quilt

This charity quilt was made and donated by Dorothy.

I quilted the Duet edge to edge design by Urban Elementz with Rhododendron Glide on the front and Light Blue Bottom Line thread on the back.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Brenda's ABC Quilt

This was Brenda’s second quilt ever!

I quilted it with the Dear Heart pantograph from Urban Elementz, with white Glide/Glide 60 threads, then bound it for her.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Black, Gray, White, Red Charity Quilt

Another charity quilt I quilted for my guild which will be donated to Home Sweet Home.

I used Glide/Glide 60 Candy Apple thread and my own design pantograph Forever Filigree. As always, hand driven, no computer/robotics.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Yellow and Gray Charity Quilt

A charity quilt I quilted for my quilt guild which has been donated to Home Sweet Home.

I quilted with Military Gold Glide thread using Jessica’s Twinkle pantograph from Urban Elementz.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Charity Baby Quilt in Blue and Pink

Each year I make a list of 12 projects I want to do that year. The hope is to do one a month, though reality is that I have to try and get as many done before school gets out because that tends to be my slower time in my business. I also want to quilt one charity quilt each month. On my list I prioritized the first 5 or 6 and got 4 ready before New Year’s Eve. January first rolled around and instead of grabbing the most important one, I grabbed one I could finish quickly. And ✔️. (That quilt top will be posted when I finish quilting it next year). Then, January second I grabbed a small charity quilt and whipped that out and got that done. ✔️ again. I love marking things of my list!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Charity Wedding Quilt

A few days before last Christmas, my daughter, Monica, called and asked if I had an unspoken-for charity quilt lying around that we could give a family in need near her. Unfortunately I had just had the last of my large charity quilts go to homes just days before. However, I had this quilt top, found by Elizabeth and given to me by Gail. I figured if a border were added we could make it a queen size instead of double, so Emerald took fabric given to me by Cynthia, enlarged the front and make a back.

I quilted it with my Baroque Filigree pantograph using white Glide thread. Scrappy binding. A real group effort to help a Colombian couple expecting a baby who had nothing to stay warm at night. We are sending it with one of the baby quilts I made this year.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Antique Crazy Quilt

This antique/vintage crazy quilt in silks on a muslin foundation, was found my by client. She wanted it minimally quilted in a way that wouldn’t detract from the embroidery.

With invisible thread (Essence) I quilted 1/2” from the seams. It was a lot of stops and starts, but I think it was worth it.