Monday, June 17, 2013

Graduation Gift - Laundry Bag

We recently went to a friend's son's graduation party.  For a slightly tardy gift (I wanted to make him something that would be useful, but didn't want to call too close to the party since I knew that there were a lot of preparations in the works and didn't want to interrupt), I made him a laundry bag with his name embroidered on the front.  I made it out of denim, since I had denim on hand and I'm anxious to use up what I have before buying anything else.  I wanted it to be good and durable, but in the end, it was probably a little too thick of material for the drawstrings.  It doesn't close as tightly as I would have liked.  But as my sister pointed out, it probably closes well enough for a guy and the sturdy fabric is probably a good idea as college boys are not known for the care in which they treat their laundry bags. 

I handed it (unwrapped - probably gauche, but I'm rather lazy that way) to Mitchel's mom at church yesterday.  She told me later on between meetings, that Mitchel loved it. *Breath a deep sigh of relief.* It may be silly, but I always worry that something I make will not be seen in the same light as I, the maker, see it.  I'm a perfectionist, and though I strive for perfection, it is rather unattainable. There's always some flaw in my eyes, but I hope that those flaws are not so noticeable for the recipient.

It was also good practice for helping Sterling make one for Monica for this coming Christmas. And I want to make a tutorial of this.  So making it a couple time is not a bad thing.

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