Friday, November 8, 2013

Karina's Baby Quilt - Nine Patch Arrows

I'm not even sure the exact name for this nine-patch pattern, but it's one I saw many long years ago, drew a little tiny picture of the patch in the back of my one and only quilting book (one that is still my favorite and my go-to book) and chose as Karina's quilt.  The one thing that I wish I would have done differently, was to use either the red or the purple as the back and binding.  The green was a fine color, but having that be the binding brings the green out in the quilt, and not only did I like the purple color better, knowing Karina now as I do, she would have preferred purple or red.  So why, if I liked the purple better did I go with the green anyway? Price.  The purple was the most expensive of the fabrics and the green was the cheapest.  Unfortunately, money was an issue and I let that be my guide.  Little did I know that the long term result would be forever wishing I had done it differently. SIGH!  I've learned that some things are worth the added expense to make it right.

Here is Karina's large quilt, not yet quilted, but it's time to get it up on the frame as her 8th birthday is approaching.  Yes, you can see how the white squares on point don't line up perfectly. I've learned a bit more about dealing with bias sewing for quilts and how that affects squaring the blocks before sewing them.  But hey, you live and learn.

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