Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fiona's Panda Skirt

Sorry it's been so long since I posted - I've been playing hookie from work, at least the work that I normally do when kids are at school, and have been focusing on having fun with them on their Christmas Break.  Here is the Panda Skirt I made for Fiona - my panda girl - for Christmas.  I discovered that appliqueing on silky, slippery fabric is not the easiest thing to do.  The panda cinched in that red triangle of fabric and the thickness makes it not hang as well, but she doesn't mind.  Fun idea and really a very simple skirt to make.  If I were to do it again I would either put the panda on one of the straight panels (the black here) or change the way I put the applique on so it wouldn't be so think in the end.

                                         And a close up . . . .

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