Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Quilt

Where has the time gone?  I'm sure most of you feel the overwhelming load of work from time to time.  I'm no exception.  Since our furnace just went out overnight with the outside temperature in the single digits, now would be a good time to show you my January wall quilt, made 15 years ago to grace my wall each January. (Don't worry, we have a fireplace insert and it's keeping us pretty warm in the front room). 

My sister Tamia did most of the designing for this.  This was the first of the wall hangings I finished quilting and I used regular variegated thread.  Pretty thread, but didn't withstand the vigor of hand quilting.  The thread kept breaking.  Then when all was done, you couldn't even see the colors in the thread, nor the snowflakes I quilted into the big blue areas.  So not worth it. . . .  I learned that hand quilting thread is special for a reason - and worth it.

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