Monday, April 18, 2016

The Quilt Fiona made

Based on a quilt kit I saw on Fons and Porter a couple years ago (March 2014) called Calypso Carnival, my 11 year old daughter decided she wanted to make a quilt like it.  I told her to choose fabric from my stash, I didn't want to have to buy anything, and I would help her plan and make it over the summer.  I also said that it would wait to be quilted until I had the longarm quilter that I was beginning to save up for.

We worked on a plan, drawing two possibilities, one on point as is in the kit, and one on the square.  It was a difficult decision for her.  She liked the way the on-point one looked, but I had told her the straight one would be easier to do and for a first quilt, easier is better.  She wisely chose to go easier.
 She worked on it the Summer of 2014 and then stopped when things got busy at the end of the summer and with school.  In February 2015 she began asking to work on it again.  She had a teacher who was a quilter and wanted to finish it before school let out, but I had a lot of sewing to do for Trenna and there were things I told her I'd do to help her out (trimming blocks to an equal size with the rotary cutter), but didn't have time to do it.  At the end of spring break (the end of March), she was able to work on it again. 

She finished it (all except the border fabric that I ended up having to order fabric for - so much for not purchasing any more fabric), just after school let out, about a week into the summer.  Her teacher let us come over to her house to show it to her.  Fiona was complimented on how well her corners matched up.
 Here it is with the border and the colors of the back (the light blue) and the binding (the dark blue).

I'm really proud of her.  That was a lot of work for a 11-12 year old with a mother who's a stickler for matching corners properly. ;-) Don't worry, I helped her with any unpicking she needed to do it right.