Monday, December 14, 2020

T-shirt Graduation Quilt for Parker

Many long years ago, Parker's mom asked me to make a memory quilt that I think is probably my favorite that I've ever made! At the beginning of his senior year, she asked me to make a t-shirt quilt for Parker for graduation. THANK YOU for giving me such a long time line! It makes it much easier and more doable for the quilter. Things happen as you are putting things together and the last thing we want to do is give you some shoddy workmanship that doesn't live up to our standards just because there was a time crunch.  Believe it or not, mistakes happen, but plenty of time helps make it so those unplanned design elements can turn into something even better. Yes, I did have at least one of those, but I doubt you would pinpoint what it is now. I don't know if I could beyond saying I know I had to do some rethinking on my background fabric and that I had itty bitty scraps of the background green left over.



Parker's school colors are green and gold, but he has played on several sports teams, so in using the colors from the shirts, I made the back scrappy as she wanted.

An all over large meander made it simple to hold everything together and avoid sewing through the decals as much as possible. Some of the printing was typical screen printing, whereas others were letters or numbers sewn on. To be able to feed things under the needle, I needed to be at the front of the machine to keep an eye on things. A pantograph from the back could have run into some difficulty there.

When it was all done, I added the quilt label and it was done in plenty of time before graduation.

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