Friday, June 11, 2021

Yellow/Green/Blue Around the World with Many Borders Quilt

I just made this quilt to practice my quilting on.  It will either be sold or go to charity. The squares in the center were from some pre-cuts given to me by my sister. I had planned to make a baby quilt, but after making that part, thought a twin size quilt would be more useful to a wider variety of people, so I looked in my stash to find coordinating colors. Aside from the blue (and the green on the back), they were pieces between 7" and probably 18". I had to do some math to figure out how to make the biggest borders possible with each cut of fabric - how many strips would I need to go around the quilt at that point, how big would the quilt be at each border, etc? 

The borders were opportunities to try out many different types of borders. The inside (Around the World layout) I practiced a free-motion, continuous-line grid quilting.

It turned out great. With the patterned fabric on the front it's not as easy to see some of the quilting, but when you look at the back, especially on the blue, it pops. I did way too much work on areas that can't be seen, but then again, the point was to practice, so it wasn't a total waste of time. I learned some things.

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