Monday, February 20, 2023

Adam & Jen's 25th Anniversary Wedding Ring Quilt

I don't know how I missed posting this quilt. I only discovered the error when I went looking for it just now. I made this before I had my longarm, and was trying to make quilts with shortcuts. This type of wedding ring quilt is made on my home sewing machine with the method from "Rings That Bind" by Cheryl Phillips and Linda Pysto.

My friends that received the quilt were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. I know I had consulted a little with Adam on the name for the quilt, but Jen knew nothing about it. They stopped by before we went out to dinner and I had been busy sewing another quilt top in the living room. They kindly asked what I was working on. I showed them and said that I had just finished one if they wanted to see it. Sure! I showed them this and they oohed and aaahed over it. They have a collection of blue and white china, so they really liked the motif. I flipped the corner for Jen to read the quilt label saying it was for them. Shock, elation and emotion is all I can say.

We went out to take some pictures. It was a little dark and I think it might have been a little wet out there. Each of the photos below have a dark spot, all in the same place which must have been on the lens. I quilted the patterns using the design printed on the paper, sewing through the paper and then peeling it off. I also did some with the same method only with press and seal. I was grateful for a way that made this possible, but am even more grateful to have my longarm now.

I have noticed that all of the pictures of the quilting have a gray dot on them. This was a raindrop on the lens, not a spot on the quilt.

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