
Long Arm Quilting/ Sewing or Quilting Lessons / Custom Made Items
I am a long arm quilter with rates starting at $.018/square inch. Most edge to edge designs are $.021/square inch. My prices include set up, thread, needles, etc. I make commissioned quilts with rates at $20/hour.
I also teach Private Sewing Lessons in the St. Louis area. Cost is $50/hour.
Please e-mail me with any questions, to have your quilt top quilted, to set up sewing lessons, or regarding having something custom made, at

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hexagon I-Spy Quilt

This fun I-Spy quilt I made to use at the preschool I teach at. We look for colors, holiday designs and will eventually more specific things. I bought a partially started quilt kit at our guild auction. Someone had cut out about 2/3 of the hexagons and triangles to make a small quilt, but I wanted it to be big enough to be useful and more than just I-spy game way.

I quilted it with invisible Essence thread on the top and Glide white thread on the back, stitching in the ditch and stitching across the hexagons like a large asterisk.

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