
Long Arm Quilting/ Sewing or Quilting Lessons / Custom Made Items
I am a long arm quilter with rates starting at $.018/square inch. Most edge to edge designs are $.021/square inch. My prices include set up, thread, needles, etc. I make commissioned quilts with rates at $20/hour.
I also teach Private Sewing Lessons in the St. Louis area. Cost is $50/hour.
Please e-mail me with any questions, to have your quilt top quilted, to set up sewing lessons, or regarding having something custom made, at

Monday, September 9, 2024

Charity Baby Quilt in Blue and Pink

Each year I make a list of 12 projects I want to do that year. The hope is to do one a month, though reality is that I have to try and get as many done before school gets out because that tends to be my slower time in my business. I also want to quilt one charity quilt each month. On my list I prioritized the first 5 or 6 and got 4 ready before New Year’s Eve. January first rolled around and instead of grabbing the most important one, I grabbed one I could finish quickly. And ✔️. (That quilt top will be posted when I finish quilting it next year). Then, January second I grabbed a small charity quilt and whipped that out and got that done. ✔️ again. I love marking things of my list!


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