Thursday, May 30, 2013

Swimsuit Cover Skirt

Last night I whipped these babies out.  Fiona already had a cover skirt to wear to the pool, but Karina didn't.  I pulled out some swimsuit fabric that I had been given - free is good - and as soon as I did, Fiona said she wanted a new one as well.  The fabric was 60 inches wide, so it made it very easy to cut out two-30 inch squares, cut a circle out of the center, hem with a zigzag while stretching the fabric to give it that wave at the end, sew a casing around the center hole, thread the elastic through and voila - 2 skirts that worked wonderfully well on the trip to and from the pool today.
I asked Karina afterwards what she was doing with her hand.  She indignantly said, "It's a K!" (sign language)

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