Thursday, June 13, 2013

Swim Towel Bag

I wanted to post this right after the swim skirt, but it took about a week before getting around to making it, and then I've been trying to get the older boys ready for scout camp which is coming right up.  I have been making other things in the meantime, and have ideas coming to mind for making tutorials, but as I have said, the tutorials are going to have to wait until kids are back in school. Right now the time I have for sewing has decreased dramatically, though I am trying to take pictures now for those tutorials.

Anyway, my sister, Emerald has made each of my kids a towel bag for going to the pool. That way they can carry their own towel, none of this, "Mom, would you carry this?" with me trying to carry 8 towels and swimming supplies as we walk to the pool a couple blocks away. Porter is now old enough to have a towel bag and she just finished making it.  She made up this pattern after looking at a similar one a boy, for whom she was a nanny, had.

 See, the backpack part is attached to the back of the towel, the straps are inside the bag while the towel is unfolded. Very handy for the kids.

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